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Pets Insurance - What You Need To Know

Updated: Oct 20, 2022

Pets are family, and so is insurance. In case your pet gets injured or becomes sick, pet insurance is a must-have to cover the cost of veterinary care, medications and possibly replacement costs. Before you purchase a policy, it’s important to understand what kind of coverage you should be looking for in your pet insurance plan. The right type of coverage can help protect your pets from unforeseen expenses and prevent them from becoming victims of financial hardship. There are numerous companies offering pet insurance policies in the United States today. The questions you need to ask yourself are: How much do I want to spend on my pet each year? Are there any add-ons that would make my life easier (and more pleasant?) if I were able to get them at a lower price together? How many people live under our roof as well as those we plan on spending time with outside? These are just some of the factors that need to be considered before purchasing a pet insurance plan.

What is Pet Insurance?

Pet insurance is a type of insurance policy designed to cover veterinary expenses incurred as a result of injury or illness. These expenses can include routine checkups and vaccinations, as well as more expensive treatments like surgery, rehabilitation and emergency care. While traditional health insurance policies are typically used to protect people from high medical bills, pet insurance is used to protect both people and their pets from unexpected medical expenses. Pet insurance is often used to cover a wide range of health care costs, including:

  • Emergency care

  • Annual vaccinations

  • Routine wellness appointments

  • Diagnostic lab tests

  • Treatment for illnesses or injuries

  • Elective surgeries (such as spaying or neutering)

  • On-going care (such as prescription medications)

  • End-of-life care (including euthanasia)

Why You Should Get Pet Insurance?

Because medical issues can arise at any time, it’s important that you have a pet insurance plan in place to help cover the costs of unexpected doctor visits. If you are a responsible pet owner, you have probably already been saving for your pet’s future medical expenses. The sad truth is, your savings will not be enough to cover all these costs. This is where pet insurance comes into play. If you have pet insurance, the insurance company will pay for all the necessary medical expenses associated with keeping your pet healthy. Pet insurance is a smart financial decision that will protect you from financial ruin in the event of an unexpected pet medical emergency.

What Does Pet Insurance Cover?

There are several things that pet insurance can cover. This depends on the type of policy you purchase. It’s important to read the policy description to understand what you are covered for. The following are some of the most common types of coverage available with pet insurance:

  • Emergency care

This type of coverage will cover the cost of treating your pet if he gets hurt or becomes ill while out on a walk or visiting the vet. This can include things like an emergency room visit, surgery and IV fluids.

  • Annual vaccinations

Most pet insurance policies cover annual vaccinations for your pet. This is important because your pet needs a core vaccination every year to be protected from various diseases.

  • Routine wellness appointments

Policies often include coverage for wellness checkups and other routine exams, such as blood tests and urine samples. This is a great way to stay on top of your pet’s health and catch any issues before they become big problems.

  • Diagnostic lab tests

Coverage for lab tests is another common feature of pet insurance policies. This can help determine the source of a pet’s illness when the symptoms don’t seem to make sense.

  • Treatment for illnesses or injuries

This type of coverage will help with the cost of treating an illness or injury that your pet gets. This can be an important part of pet insurance if you want to ensure your pet gets the best treatment possible.

  • Elective surgeries (such as spaying or neutering)

Some policies cover certain surgeries, such as spaying or neutering. While these procedures are important, they aren’t always necessary. If your policy covers them, you can use the money otherwise earmarked for savings on your pet’s medical bills instead.

  • On-going care (such as prescription medications)

This type of coverage will help with the cost of on-going medication, such as a diabetic pet’s insulin.

  • End-of-life care (including euthanasia)

This type of coverage will help with the cost of caring for your pet at the end of his life, including his final medical costs and his euthanasia. This can be an important part of pet insurance for pet owners who are caring for an aging pet.

How Much Does Pet Insurance Cost?

The cost of pet insurance varies from one provider to the next. While pet insurance is a smart decision for pet owners, it isn’t right for everyone. To help you decide if it’s right for you and your pet, let’s take a look at some basic factors that will affect the cost of your pet insurance plan.

  • Age of your pet: The age of your pet when you purchase the policy will have a big impact on how much pet insurance costs. Younger pets are healthier than older pets, so they are less expensive to insure.

  • Breed of your pet: Certain breeds are more susceptible to certain health issues. If your pet has a breed that is more likely to suffer from certain illnesses, you will pay more for insurance.

  • Where you live: Where you live will also have an impact on the cost of your pet insurance. Some states have more extreme weather than others, so pet owners in those states will pay more for insurance.

Who’s The Best For Pet Insurance In United States

  • Vetsafe

Vetsafe is a pet health insurance policy that can cover the cost of up to $5,000 worth of veterinary care for your pet. The coverage includes treatment for common conditions such as kidney disease, cancer and heart disease. Do note that you are only allowed to claim for treatment provided to your pet, and you will have to file a claim within a month of the treatment or the cost is deemed non-covered. If your pet gets injured, you will be covered for the cost of surgery, hospitalization and pain medication.

Here are some details about this plan: Premium: $59/mo + $5/mo premium account fee Coverage: $5,000 coverage, up to $1,000 deductible per condition Co-payment: No deductible, but plan does not cover certain treatments

  • Petcare insurance

Petcare insurance is a comprehensive pet health insurance policy that can help provide financial protection for your dog or cat. The coverage is backed by PetCare members of the VCA network, so you can rest assured that you’re getting quality care.

Here are some details about this plan: Premium: $59/mo. Coverage: Up to $2,000 worth of vet care, up to $10,000 worth of rehabilitation, up to $500 for emergency medical treatment or medication Co-payment: No deductible, but plan does not cover certain treatments

  • AXA Pup

AXA Pup is a pet health insurance policy that can help cover the cost of injuries or illnesses that your dog or cat may get. Coverage can help pay for veterinary visits and medication, as well as emergency trips to the veterinarian. You can also receive $25 for each new puppy you add to the plan, helping to cover the cost of veterinary care should your pet get injured or experience an illness.

Here are some details about this plan: Premium: $59/mo. Coverage: Up to $2,000 worth of vet care, recovery of $25 per new puppy you add, up to $10,000 in accidents Co-payment: No deductible, but plan does not cover certain treatments

  • Canine Care Club Canine

Care Club is a comprehensive pet health insurance policy that can help protect your dog or cat from the costs of veterinary care. The coverage is backed by VCA members, meaning you can rest assured that you're getting quality care.

Here are some details about this plan: Premium: $59/mo. Coverage: Up to $10,000 worth of vet care, up to $5,000 worth of accidents Co-payment: No deductible, but plan does not cover certain treatments

  • Nationwide pet health insurance

Nationwide pet health insurance is a comprehensive pet health insurance policy that can help protect your pet from the costs of veterinary care. The coverage is backed by PetCare members of the VCA network, so you can rest assured that you’re getting quality care.

Here are some details about this plan: Premium: $59/mo. Coverage: Up to $5,000 worth of vet care, up to $2,500 worth of surgeries Co-payment: No deductible, but plan does not cover certain treatments

  • Good Dog Insurance™

Good Dog Insurance is a pet health insurance policy designed to help protect your dog or cat from the costs of veterinary care. The coverage is backed by PetCare members of the VCA network, so you can rest assured that you’re getting quality care.

Here are some details about this plan: Premium: $59/mo. Coverage: Up to $5,000 worth of vet care, up to $2,500 worth of surgeries Co-payment: No deductible, but plan does not cover certain treatments

  • Helping Paws Inc. (eCheck)

Helping Paws is a pet health insurance policy designed to help protect your dog or cat from the costs of veterinary care. The coverage is backed by PetCare members of the VCA network, so you can rest assured that you’re getting quality care.

Here are some details about this plan: Premium: $59/mo. Coverage: Up to $5,000 worth of vet care, up to $2,500 worth of surgeries Co-payment: No deductible, but plan does not cover certain treatments

Pro tip:

Always go with the company that is registered in your home state! Pet insurance policies are regulated by the states in which they are sold. This is important because most pet owners want to get coverage from a company that is registered in their home state. If you purchase your pet insurance policy from another state, you will likely have more difficulty filing a claim should your pet get sick or injured. You will also likely have to pay more in annual premiums to cover the higher risk associated with living outside your home state.

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