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7 Dangerous Foods You Should Avoid Giving Your Cat

Your kitty may be the sweetest creature on earth, but that doesn’t mean he shares your taste in everything. In fact, cats are known to have aversions to many things that humans find delightful. If you have a cat, you already know this. But just in case you don’t, it’s probably best if you understand what your feline friend won’t eat.

Cats have very strong instincts when it comes to avoiding certain foods and substances. It's not hard to see why—eating something we’re sensitive to can cause nausea or other unpleasant side effects. So even though your cat may not seem like he minds the idea of eating beef liver or roast chicken every now and again, it might be a good idea for him to avoid these ingredients as much as possible. Here are 7 dangerous foods you should avoid giving your cat.

1. Eggs

Cats need protein to stay healthy and strong, so it makes sense that eggs would be at the top of this list. However, even though eggs are high in protein, they’re also high in fat and cholesterol — ingredients your kitty doesn’t need, especially if it isn’t getting enough of them in its diet. In addition, some breeds are sensitive to the egg protein, which can cause serious health issues. If you want to feed your cat eggs, be sure to cook them so they aren’t raw and to avoid giving them to your cat raw at all costs.

2. Milk

While milk is a great source of protein, it’s also high in lactose, a sugar your cat can’t fully digest. If your kitty is lactose intolerant, it could experience stomach discomfort or diarrhea — not ideal for the kitty’s digestive system. In addition, dairy products have been shown to be associated with increased risk of certain types of cancer, so it’s best if your kitty doesn’t consume them.

3. Caffeine

Caffeine is a stimulant that can be dangerous to cats. Cats don’t need caffeine to stay healthy, and consuming it regularly has been linked with a number of health problems, including liver disease, gastrointestinal issues, and behavioral changes. To avoid giving your cat too much caffeine, buy decaffeinated tea or coffee and avoid giving them anything else that has caffeine in it.

4. Fishy Foods

Fish is a great, healthy protein source for your cat, but the problem is that some fish is high in mercury, which could be dangerous to your kitty’s health. This means you should avoid giving your cat any type of fish that isn’t commercially farmed, such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, and herring. In addition, some cat foods also contain fish, so make sure it isn’t the kind that contains mercury.

5. Tree Nuts

Most nuts are high in fat and calories, which could lead to weight gain and other health problems in cats. Therefore, it’s best if your cat doesn’t consume nuts, including macadamia nuts, almonds, and peanuts — even though they’re technically a legume. In addition, many nut-containing cat foods aren’t nutritionally balanced and could lead to nutritional imbalances that could be dangerous for your kitty.

6. Onions And Garlic

The sulfur compounds in onions and garlic are what cause allergies in people and animals. While cats can’t get allergies, they can be seriously affected by onion and garlic allergies. Cats can develop red irritated skin after being exposed to onion fumes, garlic allergens, or both. When this happens, your cat might scratch and groom excessively, drink more water than usual, or even vomit to rid his body of the foreign substances. While any of these signs can indicate an upset stomach, they can also indicate an allergic reaction. If you want to give your cat onion or garlic based food, try making your own concoction. Add cooked onion, crushed garlic, and other herbs to your pet’s food, or just serve him in separate dishes.

7.Chocolate, Candy, And Colored Foods

Chocolate is a delicious treat for humans, but it can be deadly for cats. Many chocolate products are actually made with theobromine, a chemical that’s also found in coffee and tea. Theobromine and caffeine are not harmful for humans, but they can be deadly to cats who consume them in large amounts. Even dark chocolate is likely to be dangerous for your cat, although milk chocolate isn’t as likely to cause an allergic reaction. For any type of chocolate, you should always stay away from feeding it to your cat. This includes baking ingredients and candies as well as milk chocolate bars and other sweets.


If you want your cat to be healthy, you’ll need to feed it only meaty or high-protein foods, as well as plenty of water every day. You can also try transitioning your cat from its old diet to the new one, but it might be easier if you do it one item at a time. It might take a few tries for your cat to adjust to the new food, but it will love you for it once it does. Feeding your cat anything that isn’t meaty or high in protein could have serious consequences for its health, so make sure you don’t do it. Keep these 10 dangerous foods you should avoid giving your cat out of the equation and your feline friend will be much happier and healthier.

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