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Why do cat eat grass?

Updated: Oct 11, 2022

Cats love to chew grass and earthworms. It’s a part of their natural instincts, but they also enjoy it because it helps them digest their food more easily. There are many benefits to feeding your cat grass. In addition to its positive effects on digestion, cats that eat grass are less likely to catch worms or contract other parasites. Some vets even propose that a steady diet of grass may reduce the smell of your feline friend. A cat's digestive system is unlike that of any other animal on earth—and not necessarily in a good way. Because cats are obligate carnivores, meaning they must consume meat to survive, their stomachs have evolved to efficiently break down protein from flesh and bones rather than complex carbohydrates from plants. As a result, most vegetables and grains are completely indigestible to cats—and even potentially toxic if consumed often enough over time.

The Benefits of Grass For Your Cat

Dental health is a major benefit of feeding your cat grass. Grass contains silica, a mineral that strengthens teeth and helps to remove plaque and tartar build-up. Over time, this can prevent gum disease and tooth loss, leading to a longer and healthier life. Additionally, a feline diet consisting of grass is much healthier than a diet consisting only of dry kibble. Dry food is known to contribute to obesity and digestive issues in cats, as well as an increased risk of diabetes, kidney disease, and liver disease. You may also notice that your cat has reduced litter box odor, especially if they are eating grass that has been cut from a lawn.

Digestive Health

Another benefit of feeding your cat grass is that it helps to promote healthy digestion, which is especially important for indoor cats. Cats that spend most of their time indoors have a greater chance of developing digestive issues due to changes in their diet and lifestyle. This can lead to vomiting and diarrhea, which can be dangerous if left untreated. While it is generally recommended that cats eat wet food, which is higher in protein than dry food, a steady diet of canned food can cause digestive issues in some cats. Grass is a great alternative to help combat nausea and irritation related to a diet change.

Helping To Reduce Bad Breath

Bad breath is a common issue in humans, and it’s also a problem in cats. If your kitty has bad breath, it’s often a sign that they might have gum disease. Studies show that feeding your cat grass can help to reduce bad breath and the risk of gum disease. It’s not recommended to use grass as a toothbrush though, so you may want to give your kitty a little assistance. Try brushing your cat’s teeth two to three times a week. This will help to reduce their bad breath and the risk of gum disease.

Helping To Combat Parasites

Some types of grass are high in minerals like selenium that can help prevent and even treat tapeworms in cats. While it is highly effective against tapeworms, selenium is toxic in large amounts, so it should only be administered to cats that have been diagnosed with tapeworm. If you are worried about your kitty contracting tapeworm or other types of parasites, it may be a good idea to feed them some grass every now and then. It should be noted that while feeding your cat grass can help to protect them against parasites, it isn’t a replacement for a regular flea and tick treatment. Cats that spend time outdoors should always be treated for fleas and ticks to prevent them from coming back inside and infecting the rest of your pets.

Helping To Combat Constipation and Diarrhea

If you notice that your kitty is having a difficult time pooping, grass might be a good solution. Some cats eat grass to help them get through constipation. While this might sound like an odd solution, it is actually fairly common and fairly effective. Depending on the cause of your kitty’s constipation, grass might not help them go, but it can help them feel less uncomfortable and have softer stools, which is better than nothing. If your cat has diarrhea, it can be very dangerous for them because it can dehydrate them quickly. If your kitty has diarrhea, you can give them a little bit of grass to help slow the diarrhea down.

There are many benefits to feeding your cat grass. Now that you know about the benefits of grass for cats, you may wonder when and how often you should feed it to your furry friend. Some cats love grass and will eat it whenever given the chance, whereas others only eat it when they are feeling sick or have digestive issues. The best way to find out if your cat likes grass is to try it out.

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